
Du skal ikke være MERE leder – du skal være BEDRE leder

Den store sparekniv ligger i lederens hånd. Men der er ingen der har bedt dig om at bruge den til at begå harakiri. Det store problem i den offentlige sektor er at de ansatte bliver bedt om “at gå fra mere til mindre”. Dvs. de skal arbejde mere, levere mere – men for færre ressourcer. Det er ikke nogen supermotiverende hverdag at stå op til. Og det er et tegn på, at chefer er for dårligt klædt på til at spotte tidens trends for at finde nye og bedre veje. 
På kurset “Bliv fremtidens leder“, som afholdes i september 2019, vil fremtidsforsker Anne Skare Nielsen og Henrik Good Hovgaard lære dig hvordan du gør det – hvordan du spotter de vigtige trends, og omsætter dem til handling og “noget bedre”i hverdagen.


Det er det store paradigmeskifte, vi står i. Vi behøver ikke gå fra mere til mindre. Det er ikke den store opgave for offentlige ledere at lave spareøvelser, men at finde ud af hvordan vi kan lave noget bedre til nogle flere mennesker med de rigtige ressourcer

-Anne Skare Nielsen

Ikke mere, men BEDRE!

Vi står overfor paradigmeskift og store trends i alle brancher og især i det offentlige vil der ske en masse. Nu er det ledernes opgave at komme dem i forkøbet.

“Hvordan kan vi lave noget bedre til flere mennesker med de rigtige ressourcer?” Det er spørgsmålet, som et godt lederskab skal kunne stille dem selv. Det handler nemlig om at kunne finde ud af hvad “bedre” er, og at “bedre” ikke er det samme som “mere”. Undervisningen på en skole bliver jo, for eksempel, ikke bedre af, at man hyrer flere lærere. Den bliver bedre af, at man hyrer bedre lærere.


Etisk sans og empati bliver menneskets helt store guldkorn i fremtiden. At kunne trække dem op ad hatten bliver det, der adskiller os fra robotter, og det vil spille en kæmpe rolle for det gode lederskab. Fremtidens leder skal kunne se fordelene i at ansætte mennesker med følelser fremfor kolde robotter, og vise sine ansatte sin værdsættelse overfor dem. På samme tid vil lederens egen udstråling af empati blive central for anderkendelsen af lederen. Hvis folk skal følge dig, skal de kunne mærke dig som menneske, og at du også rummer drømme og håb ligesom dem.


Læs artiklen og se den korte video om at gå “fra mere til bedre”, med Anne Skare Nielsen og Henrik Good Hovgaard her.


LÆS OGSÅ: Fremtidens leder: skab magi!

The Baby Translator will revolutionize future parenthood

Imagine always knowing exactly how your baby is feeling. A future where you can read your baby’s mind! Will mind reading solve the problems that we have in this world with lack of empathy? Or will it lead to huge conflicts? 

In a video created by NN Group, futurist Liselotte Lyngsø speaks about how we will soon be able to read brain waves and discusses the huge impact it might have on the world as we know it.

Mind reading and the end of privacy 

We already have technology that allows us to translate brain waves into language. What if you could buy an accessory or piece of clothing for your baby which in the same time makes it possible for you to understand exactly what is going on in its mind?

It’s not only the minds of babies that we have trouble figuring out. It’s not only a device for parents. Everyone would benefit from having access to a technology which makes it easier understand each other at a deeper level. Maybe it would even strengthen our ability to emphasize!

Watch the video with Liselotte Lyngsø here – would you buy the device?


READ ALSO: “3 megatrends that will transform the future of communication” with Liselotte Lyngso. 

The future office

What will the perfect working space and future office look like?
We all know how it feels to have tons of work to do, but no focus or energy to get it done. In a situation like that, a nice and quiet office can be a great way to get into a productive working mood. An office symbolizes something that we can step out of, once we’ve finished our work. It allows us to work when we have to work, and relax when we’re off.
Through time, the idea of what an office looks like has changed a lot. Today, most people don’t even have one. Some people consider every comfortable chair or space as a proper office. Just look at all the people who gets their work done at Starbucks and other hip cafés. Many people work from home, which allows them to stay in bed all day!


In the article “Office Space Timeline: Past, Present and Future” we take a look back at some of the previous decades’ office trends. Futurist Liselotte Lyngsø’s gives her thoughts on what the future office is going to look like. Together with another futurist, Yesim Kunter, Liselotte points out future office-trends involving culture-, design- and attire.

Offices through the decades 
A timeline from the past to the future illustrates office culture-, design- and attire. Is also states the amount of women in the workforce!
The office of the future 
What will an office be like in 2030 & what will it look like in the 2100s century?
2030s: Influence of technology 
The cultural aspect of the 2030-office evolves around how we’re going to manage people working from home, being digital nomads, while still needing a space to meet up in real life.
The design focusses on technology, sustainability and wellness. Offices will be designed based on the need of every single individual and not “one size fit all”.

How will working hours be distributed and how will women be considered?

“It is more likely that a woman is raised valuing empathy. While it’s difficult to feel empathetic towards a workforce of 200, it’s much easier for a workforce of 20. The progressive decentralisation of work will provide women with more opportunities to become leaders.”

-Liselotte Lyngsø

2100s: From high-tech to high-touch 
The fact that we’re already becoming digital nomads today and that the level of actual human interaction is becoming smaller and smaller will result in a gigantic need of intimacy later on.

Read the article and discover how this will have an influence on different aspects of the 2100-office.

Read the article on this link to the BBC radio program.


Want to read more about what the future office will look like? Listen to “The future of X #1: the workplace”. A podcast with Liselotte Lyngso.

The road to driverless cars

How do we prepare for a future with driverless cars? Panel discussion on June 23. 2017 with reporter Ian Telfer.

Futurist Liselotte Lyngsø attended a panel discussion broadcasted on Radio New Zealand RNZ where the main focus was what a world with driverless cars is going to look like.

How will companies and countries prepare for the future, which is just around the corner? Driverless cars will be a significant changing factor for our view on technology. We have to be ready for achieving its full potential, by figuring out every detail that comes with it.

What opportunities will it bring us, and how will our society greet it? Can we redesign the vehicles in order to give the consumer the same feeling of control as if they were driving the car themselves? How will it affect people, that they won’t be able to, or won’t have to drive the car themselves?

Driverless cars creates the future for co-driving

Liselotte addresses co-driving as a possible scenario that is worth fighting for. Spontaneous co-driving in cars will allow os to expand our social lives. Suddenly, we’ll be able to make use of the time that we would normally use on driving alone from A to B. Driverless cars will allow us to catch up with friends, finish our last work meeting or connect with our families whilst being driven to our destinations. It will also create opportunity to socialize and network with a used-to-be stranger from our neighborhood.

“They don’t get road rage. They’re uniform and measured in their moral response. Maybe they’ll be better than we are.”

-Associate Professor, James Maclaurin.

Futurist Liselotte Lyngsø speaks about how we are going to make driving an online marketplace, like we’ve done with Airbnb. People will collect cars as a hobby. The public interest in nice designs, usability and the interest for the sexiness of the cars will continue to rise. People will expect to rent a car according to situation-based personal needs. Private car-ownership might be essential in order to ensure a continued flowering diversity within mobility.

Who will be in control of mobility?

The urgent and most important question to solve, is the question of who will be in control of mobility. As the driverless cars will be connected to the internet of things IOT – it could be at the national level, at the car manufactoring level or at the personal level. Listen to the broadcast and find out why we should integrate the driverless cars, and make up systems so that people will share and make it possible to reduce the numbers of cars on the road and eliminate the need for most of our current public transportation. You will also hear about how  the driver-less future might be a target for new ways of hacking and terrorism that needs to be dealt with.

Listen to the panel discussion here, and imagine the road to driverless cars with motoring journalist David Thomson, Ass. Professor James Maclaurin, CEO of the Ministry of Transport Andrew Jackson and  Futurist, Liselotte Lyngsø. On this link you can also read about the speakers on the panel.

Who owns the future?

Who will dominate the future?

Will “the big five” create a digital society with more widespread democracy making it easier for the world to come together – including those 3 billion who are still not online? Or will they create an uneven monopolistic division of powers?


Andreas Ekström is a journalist at Syd Svenska Dagblad, and a revolutionary, who wants to fight for equal access to the internet in the future. He is extremely worried about leaving the control over the internet to the “big five:” Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google and facebook. In September 2017, Andreas spoke at the IT Summit 2017 – Sustainable Societies, hosted by InfinIT with Liselotte Lyngsø as moderator. During his speech, the audience was able to send questions that are included in the following interview.

Five big companies dominate our digital world today – and as everything material is sucked into the virtual world – their power is likely to increase even further in the future. This development forces everybody else to be compatible – developing and thinking “inside the box”. This will will be lethal to our ability to truly innovate, our privacy and punish small countries and companies.

Or will it? Liselotte asks Andreas whether the big 5 may indeed have helped the global democratization process? Whether new technologies like the BlockChain will counter-act this development? And finally, they discuss how we might counteract theist monopoly both as people and as nation states.


Watch futurist Liselotte Lyngsø’s interview with Andreas Ekström below, or at this link

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